The visual appearance of a product is one of the most important parameters influencing consumers, and it needs to be measured and evaluated to ensure uniformity and reproducibility. Color can be the starting point in evaluating the appearance of a product. However, describing a product appearance by the definition of color alone is insufficient. Other attributes like the gloss, haze, reflected image quality, and orange peels contribute to the overall appearance of a product, and they should be evaluated with equal importance.
Garie Xu, Sales Engineer of Konica Minolta Sensing Singapore Pte Ltd, will present on what is visual appearance measurement. In this webinar, Garie will introduce the framework for the measurement of visual appearance and the different visual appearance attributes. Topics include:
- What is Appearance Measurement
- Visual Appearance Attributes
- Gloss
- Specular Peak Reflectance (Rspec)
- Reflected Haze
- Distinctiveness of Image (DOI) / Reflected Image Quality (RIQ)
- DOI vs. RIQ