Color of Roasted Coffee Beans Affects the Aroma

Coffee aroma is one of the most important criteria that influence consumer selection of coffee. Roasting helps bring out the aroma of coffee beans and during the roasting process, the aroma of the coffee changes gradually from a floral-like aroma to a burnt aroma as the beans get darker. To achieve the desired aroma, careful monitoring of the coffee bean color is required.
Monitoring coffee bean color can be done visually or with an instrumental. The visual method is subjected to individual perception of colors, whereas Instrument allow user to quantify color objectively.
Instrument like Konica Minolta Chroma Meter CR-410C, is designed to help coffee roasters quantify color objectively. It uses the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) coffee index to calculate roast levels and also provide pass/fail information based on user-set tolerances. And together with the SCAA coffee roast chart, measuring the color of roasted coffee beans using CR-410C provides a more consistent and accurate measurement result.
To speak with one of our color specialist or demonstration of the Konica Minolta Chroma Meter CR-410C, write or contact us at 6563 5533.