Measuring Automotive Interior Color and Appearance

Automotive interior color and appearance has become an important factor influencing customer purchase decision. The interior is assembled using a wide variety of parts that comes in different textures and from many suppliers. To ensure a harmonious interior appearance, color and gloss of the various parts are checked before assembly.
Parts are usually supplied through a pool of suppliers and to ensure consistency, it is important to establish tight tolerances for both color and gloss. Because of these tight tolerances, visual assessment is difficult and the use of color measuring instruments is needed to achieve objective assessment.
In today’s supply chain network where facilities and suppliers are spread across the globe, selecting color measuring instrument with tight inter-instrument agreement (IIA) is important. IIA defines how close the measurement result of two or more color instruments of the same model will be. With a tight IIA, manufacturers can be confident that instruments of the same model are measuring consistently with each other at different locations.
Konica Minolta Spectrophotometer CM-25cG is a two-in-one spectrophotometer that is capable of measuring both color and gloss simultaneously. With tight IIA levels of ∆E*ab< 0.15 (average of BCRA 12 Tiles) and ∆GU< 0.2GU (0-10GU sample), measurement result remains consistent even when measured at different locations.
Click here to watch a video of the CM-25cG. You can also check out our advance imaging solutions for automotive industry to find out more on automotive color testing and measurement solutions.
For more information on automotive interior color and appearance measurement, write or contact us at +65 6563 5533 for a free consultation.