Measuring White and Color Brightness of Projectors

Brightness or light output is an important specification for projector. A projector brightness can be categorized into white brightness and color brightness. Having equal amount of white and color light output ensures bright, vibrant and true-to-life images.
White brightness is commonly expressed in ANSI lumens; a measurement unit developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It is first calculated by averaging the illuminance measurement taken across 9 specific points on a white image. Thereafter, the average illuminance, in units of Lux, is multiplied by the projected image size to obtain ANSI lumens.
Color brightness, a standard methodology established by the Society for Information Displays (SID), quantifies the red, green and blue light from a projector. The method to measure color brightness is almost the same as the white brightness. Instead of the 9 measurements, 27 measurements are taken across 3 sets of 9-point grid made up of red, green and blue.
When attempting to measure projector light output, light measuring instruments like Chroma Meter CL-200A and Illuminance Spectrophotometer CL-500A would be helpful. Beside illuminance measurement, both CL-200A and CL-500A are capable of measuring chromaticity, dominant wavelength and correlated color temperature of various kinds of light sources.
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