Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) Display Testing

Vehicle exterior mirrors are essential to safe driving. With the advancements in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), there is a gradual transition from conventional exterior mirrors to Camera-monitor systems (CMS). A CMS is an indirect vision system through the use of cameras and displays. It offers the possibility of enlarging the field of vision, offering expanded visibility for drivers. However, for CMS to be considered a substitute for mirrors, it is crucial to evaluate the optical performance of its display to ensure the vehicle’s surrounding environment is displaying clearly.
Konica Minolta with Radiant Vision Systems offers a CMS evaluation system that can help automotive manufacturers comply with the requirements specified in UN Regulation No. 46 (UN-R46). The building blocks of this CMS-dedicated evaluation system consist of ProMetric® I Series imaging colorimeters and TrueTest™ automated visual inspection software.
The basic measurement setup involves measuring the measurement chart that is captured by an in-vehicle display camera and projected onto an in-vehicle display. Below are some of the test items that can be done with our CMS-dedicated evaluation system as per the UN-R46.
- Directional and lateral uniformity – Measure luminance of the center and side of the CMS display
- Luminance and contrast rendering – Measure CMS display brightness contrast ratio and legibility under different conditions (direct sunlight, night, etc.)
- Greyscale and color rendering
- Blooming and lens flare – Check CMS camera blooming and lens flare does not cover a certain percentage of the displayed image
- Point light sources – Point light sources (e.g., low beam headlights) detection capability
- Image Sharpness
- Depth of field – Evaluate image depth from 4, 6, and 10m distance
- Geometric distortion – Evaluate the distortion of the CMS image relative to the rectilinear projection
- Resolution (Modulation Transfer Function)

Looking for solutions on how to test and evaluate your automotive light and display? Check out our advanced light and display testing and evaluation solutions to learn more.
Alternatively, you can contact our application specialists for a free consultation, product demonstration, or assistance in finding the right instruments for your measurement needs.