How To Evaluate the Quality of Rear View and Side Mirror?

Interior and exterior rear view mirrors are key safety components of a vehicle. Automotive rear view and side mirrors (or wing mirrors) are part of a car overall safety system. They enable drivers to see beyond the driver’s direct sight, without rear view and side mirrors, reversing, parking and switching lanes are challenging.
The mirror is a major part of the side mirror assembly and is made from a polished flat glass with a thin reflective coating on one side. Reflectivity and reflected image quality are two qualities to look out for.
High reflectivity is desired and a spectrophotometer is used to measure the reflectivity – using the spectral reflectance data. For reflected image quality, a Distinct of Image (DOI) meter like Rhopoint IQ-S is used. DOI is a measure of how clearly a reflected image will appear in a reflective surface.
Check out our advance imaging solutions for automotive industry to find out more on automotive appearance testing and measurement solutions.
To learn more about reflectivity and reflected image quality measurement, click here or contact us at (+65) 6563 5533 for a free consultation.